Virtual Events and Services

Join the Breakzone staff this for virtual games like bingo, trivia, and more!

Engage with art virtually, at home, or in nature with events and programs through Perspective Gallery.
Art tutorial videos featuring projects meant for all skill levels using items found around the home and outdoors. Keep an eye on social media and our website for updates.

The Source presents Learning to Action: Social Justice Skills for Student Organizations. The goal of Learning to Action is to help you move from a place of learning to a place of intentional social justice action. Over the rest of the summer, we'll be posting bi-weekly content for learning, structured reflection questions for student organization leaders, and an opportunity to pledge to take action based on that learning. We are not the experts, and we do not claim to speak in a way that is comprehensive - but solidarity is a journey, not a destination and we want to ensure you have somewhere to start the process.
- Content: Interactive Website from the 1619 Project
- Reflection question: How is your organization potentially benefiting from or connected to a history of inequality, racism and violence?
- Action Prompt: What change can you make or action can you take to recognize and leverage the potential privileges held by your organization?
- Content: “A Decade of Watching Black People Die” Code Switch Podcast
- Reflection question: How has your organization taken time to recognize the impact of violence on your members with marginalized identities? How have you been complicit or silent in passed instances of visible violence against Black people?
- Action Prompt: What change can you make or action can you take to recognize and oppose the violence of systemic racism?
- Content: The Urgency of Intersectionality
- Additional Resource: When Feminism is White Supremacy in Heels
- Reflection question: How does your organization recognize, support and celebrate the multiple identities and unique experiences of your members?
- Action Prompt: What change can you make or action can you take to be more actively inclusive of the experiences and identities of your members?
- Content: It’s Time to Unpack White Fragility
- Reflection question: How does your organization avoid or resist having conversations about racism and other forms of oppression?
- Action Prompt: What change can you make or action can you take to normalize having conversations about race in your organization?
Information and resources for each topic will be added bi-weekly as they are released.
Information and resources for each topic will be added bi-weekly as they are released.
SECL Web Series

Quarantine Kitchen
Have you always wanted to hone your cooking skills? Looking for something to do with everyday items in your kitchen? Tune into Quarantine Kitchen on Instagram Live (@VTCampusLife).

25 Questions with a Hokie
25 question rapid-fire interviews to get to know the many faces of Virginia Tech. Watch here or on social media @VTCampusLife.
Online Services
The Virginia Tech Off-Campus Housing team will continue to provide virtual services for the University community during the Spring and Summer 2020 semesters.
Student Organization leaders are encouraged to continue operating virtually as they are able. This page is meant to provide you with guidance and resources for working towards your mission virtually.