Student Organization Funding
The USS Appropriations Committee, a standing committee Undergraduate Student Senate (USS), and the Graduate Student Budget Board (GSBB), a committee of the Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS), manage the allocation processes for a portion of the student activities fee to Registered Student Organizations (RSO) and University Student Life Programs (USLP).
The Student Activities Fee Allocation Board (SAFAB) is a joint committee of the Undergraduate Student Senate (USS) and Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS) managing the allocation process to individual University Chartered Student Organizations (UCSO).
All three entities are policy boards striving to provide funds to student organizations in a fair and equitable manner. Funds allocated through all three boards are meant to enrich the experiences and exposure of the student body during their time at Virginia Tech.
The student organization must be registered with Student Engagement and Campus Life by June 30, 2024, or during the make-up registration period in September, and be in good standing with the university.
If an organization is not re-registered by this deadline, the organization will not be able to apply for, or access, any funding for this academic year.
Any individual applying for funding on behalf of an organization must familiarize themselves with all the information included in the policy and procedures document for the funding board they’re requesting funds from.
Majority Membership
Please apply to the board that best represents your organization’s members.
If you have majority undergraduate students apply to the USS Appropriations Committee.
If you have majority graduate students apply to GSBB.
Split Membership
Please apply to the board that best represents your organization’s mission, target audience, and interests.
Ultimately, the USS Appropriations Committee and GSBB have final say for which Board your organization applies through.
Additional resources to complete a funding or payment processing request are available in the Student Organization Resource Library.
Budget Reallocation Request Application
Organizations are required to seek the appropriate funding board’s approval for reallocation of funds if there is a change in previously approved funds and/or events and/or dates. Reallocation requests must be submitted no less than 7 calendar days prior to the event or expense. The reallocation approval must be received prior to the requested funds' expenditure or before the event, whichever is first.
Appeals Request Application
Student organizations who applied for funding through USS Appropriations or GSBB may submit an appeal on a funding decision if it is based on the following criteria:
Established policies and procedures were not followed
The decision was not made within parameters with previous decisions of the Appropriations Committee or GSBB, in the same academic year.
The Appropriations Committee or GSBB not funding an item at the requested level is not grounds for appeal.
All appeals must be submitted by the Organization through GobblerConnect no later than 5 PM on the date two (2) weeks from the date on the award letter. For more information, review Policy and Procedure.
USS Appropriations
USS appropriations is guided by their Policy and Procedure documents. These are crucial for the success of Appropriations as well as our student organizations. It is your responsibility as a student leader to read, review, and adhere to policy and procedure. Please access the appropriate documentation below based on your organization’s classification.
RSO/USLP funding requests for events/expenditures between Dec 10-Feb 1 must be submitted by Dec 1.
- All budget requests must be submitted on the appropriate funding form determined by the type of funding you are seeking. This is covered in Policy and Procedure.
- On your organization's individual page on GobblerConnect, click the Manage Organization button at the top of the page.
- Next, click on the hamburger menu (3 horizontal lines) next to your organization's name in the upper left corner.
- Select Finance under the Organization Tools.
- Once on the Finance main page, you can access your organization's previous budget requests, check the status of current requests, and submit new requests.
- This year's application is titled: 2024-2025 RSO/USLP Funding - USS Appropriations.
A video walkthrough has also been created to show organizations interested in applying for funding. This can be viewed in the Org Resource Library.
General, Quick Questions:
Questions for The Chair of USS Appropriations (applying for funds, Funding Workshop, Policy and Procedures)
If you would like to contact the USS Appropriations Chair, they are available:
- By Appointment: Please email:
Questions about Payments
Payments are processed by the USS Fiscal Technician. Please email with any payment related questions.
The Graduate Student Budget Board is guided by their Policy and Procedure documents. These are crucial for the success of GSBB as well as our student organizations.
It is your responsibility as a student leader to read, review, and adhere to policy and procedure.
RSO/USLP funding requests for events/expenditures between Dec 10-Feb 1 must be submitted by Dec 1.
- All budget requests must be submitted on the appropriate funding form determined by the type of funding you are seeking. This is covered in Policy and Procedure.
- On your organization's individual page on GobblerConnect, click the Manage Organization button at the top of the page.
- Next, click on the hamburger menu (3 horizontal lines) next to your organization's name in the upper left corner.
- Select Finance under the Organization Tools.
- Once on the Finance main page, you can access your organization's previous budget requests, check the status of current requests, and submit new requests.
- This year's application is titled: 2024-2025 RSO/USLP Funding - USS Appropriations.
A video walkthrough has also been created to show organizations interested in applying for funding. This can be viewed in the Org Resource Library.
For General Questions, Reallocation Requests, How to Apply for Funding, Funding Workshop, and Policy and Procedure Inquires:
- Email:
The GSBB Chair for 2024-2025 is Doug Harrison (he/him). If you would like to connect with him, he is available by appointment. Please email Doug at to schedule a time to meet.
Questions about Payments and the Payment Process:
Payments are processed by the Budget Board Administrative Associate. Please email with any payment related questions.
SAFAB Funding is specific to UCSOs.
The Student Activities Fee Allocation Board is guided by their Policy and Procedure documents. These are crucial for the success of SAFAB as well as our student organizations. It is your responsibility as a student leader to read, review, and adhere to policy and procedure.
UCSOs submit an annual budget request for all events and expenditures July 1 through June 30. Budget requests are typically submitted during February for the following academic year.
- SAFAB will communicate with all UCSO’s about the specific requirements and timelines for the current academic year as they are finalize.
For General Questions, Reallocation Requests, How to Apply for Funding, Budgeting Workshop, and Policy and Procedure Inquires:
- Email:
The SAFAB Chair for 2023-2024 is Sam Yuzbashev (he/him). If you would like to contact him, he is available by appointment. Please email Sam at
Questions about Payments
- Email Elaine Quesenberry at
Payments, Reimbursements, and Forms
PLEASE NOTE: This process is to be completed online and submitted through GobblerConnect. Forms delivered in person or sent via email will not be accepted or processed by the USS Appropriations Committee or GSBB.
Please follow the steps below for Payments and Reimbursements:
- Identify what form of payment you are requesting:
- Personal Reimbursement
- Student Organization Reimbursement
- Direct Invoice Payment
- Contracted Guest Performer Payment*
*Contracted performer payments should be submitted PRIOR to your event for payment to be ready in time for day-of payments. - Collect your supporting documentation (receipts, invoices, contracts, etc.) and combine them into one PDF to be uploaded in your payment request form on GobblerConnect.
- If submitting for a reimbursement, your documentation must include an itemized receipt that clearly shows proof of payment that indicates payment was made to the vendor.
- Then, you will fill out the form linked below, and upload all necessary information.
- Be sure to click through all the way to the end to ensure you’ve submitted it.
- If your organization is not listed on the form or if you have any questions, please email
The following deadlines to submit your payment processing documentation will be enforced throughout the funding cycle.
- Failure to submit your documentation by these deadlines will result in your organization losing approved funding for the specific budget request.
- It is the student organization's responsibility to communicate these deadlines when partnering with campus departments.
- Transitions in organizational leadership will generally not be an acceptable exception to these deadlines.
All forms and documentation must be fully completed, signed, free of error, and submitted with appropriate invoices/receipts within 15 calendar days following the event date or expenditure, whichever is first.
- Vendor Invoice Exception: If your organization has not received a vendor’s finalized invoice within 15 days following an event (i.e. Event Services/Production Services), you must submit the invoice within 5 calendar days of receiving the invoice. All other payments related to the event must still be submitted within 15 days following the event date or expenditure, whichever is first.
- All invoices for Event Services and Production Services are sent directly to our fiscal technician for processing and do NOT need to be submitted via the GobblerConnect form. Your organization contact will be included on the email confirming the invoice was sent to us for processing.
- Contracted Performers: If requesting a check be available for pick up the day of the event, documentation specific to the performer’s payment must be submitted 4-6 weeks prior to the event.
All forms and documentation must be fully completed, signed, free of error, and submitted with appropriate invoices/receipts within 45 calendar days from the award notification listed on the approved GobblerConnect budget request.
All payments must be submitted via GobblerConnect and all required information for processing your reimbursement or payment will be entered into the form.
Additional forms that are needed can be found below.
W-9 and W-8 (needed for Contracted Performers and to pay invoices)
Please email to see if we already have a W-9 for your vendor on file.
20 Questions
This form needs to be filled out by the student organization for the contracted performer they are bringing.
USS Appropriations Committee and GSBB cannot pay for Virigina Tech employees or students (i.e., a guest speaker, lecturer, performer, etc.). If you wish to do that, those funds cannot come from USS Appropriations Committee and GSBB.